Peace as a Foundation for the Triple Nexus – A Global Policy Perspective

By: GPPAC | April 2023 | Reports and Policy Briefs



On 4 April 2023, Sharon Bhagwan Rolls, Regional Representative – GPPAC Pacific & Shifting the Power Coalition, Programme – Manager Pacific Women’s Mediators Network, offered her reflections during the launch of UN Women’s “Regional Framework Towards Peaceful and Inclusive Societies in Asia and the Pacific.’’ The Framework will advance the agenda for Women, Peace and Security and inclusive governance in the region.

In her speech, Sharon Baghwan Rolls shared how women’s experiences in the Pacific can assist in understanding the Triple Nexus. She further highlighted that by not integrating conflict analysis in humanitarian and development work – and failing to integrate local partners in the development of interventions – people in affected areas are left behind. She also elaborated on the risks when treating the P(eace) in the Triple Nexus as an afterthought and provided recommendations on ensuring realistic, risk-tolerant and appropriate financing for joint action across the Triple Nexus.


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