In the intricate landscape of peacemaking, the private sector has not yet played a significant role, and its potential is often overlooked. Since 2000, a mere 3 per cent of…...
Cash Before Calamity: Anticipatory Action for Flood Resilience
Rather than reacting to a crisis after it occurs, anticipatory action was implemented before the shock materialized. Forecast-based triggers were activated five days before water levels reached their peak and…...
Women Mediating across the Triple Nexus: Addressing socio-economic challenges resulting from Climate Change
The experiences of women who work within local communities offer valuable insights to policymakers on how to integrate the Women, Peace and Security Agenda across the Triple Nexus. Local women…...
“Wai manga! We want a peaceful Hela!” – perspectives and experiences of peace and justice in Hela Report
The report provides a comprehensive overview of the prevalent interpersonal and intergroup violence in Hela Province, in the Highlands of Papua New Guinea, showcasing its devastating impact including displacement, physical…...
2024 Aid Transparency Index
The Aid Transparency Index is the only independent measure of aid transparency among the world’s major development agencies. It is researched and produced by Publish What You Fund. See the…...
Alert 2024! Report on conflicts, human rights and peacebuilding.
Alert! Report on conflicts, human rights and peacebuilding is a yearbook providing an analysis of the state of the world in terms of conflict and peacebuilding from three perspectives: armed…...
Reflections from African, Afrodescendent and Black Voices Transforming Philanthropy
With contributions from writers who have experienced living both within and outside of institutional philanthropy, this magazine dives into all of the existential contradictions and deep inequities of the sector.…...
Trust in Action: The BridgeBetween Grantmakers andthe Grassroots
Grassroots organizations are a driving force for transformation, intimately understanding the unique challenges and opportunities within their communities. However, traditional funding models leave grassroots groups with limited access to funding,…...
Unfolding the Tapestry: Weaving Themes and Strategies of Feminist Crisis Response
In 2023, the Equality Fund commissioned research on feminist response to crisis to inform its approach to a new grantmaking stream, acknowledging that research from feminist voices from the Global…...
Illuminating Impact: Why Gender Matters for Funders in Any Issue Area
In 2021, The Bridgespan Group partnered with Shake the Table to investigate how funders could better support feminist movements. The resulting report, Lighting the Way: A Report for Philanthropy on…...